Common cold is a short term viral [virus is a causative agent] disease of the nose, throat and the windpipe characterised by a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, sore throat, cough, headache and typically last for 4 to 7 days with or without medication.
A. Stretch Up:
1. Tadasana [Standing Mountain Pose] / Sthiti for standing posture: Stand erect with feet together, hands by the sides of the body along the thighs.
2. Forward and backward stretching of the head with inhalation and exhalation respectively. Repeat it for 5 times
3. Three clock wise neck rotation followed by the anti clockwise direction.
4. Lie flat on the back, heels apart. Hands keeping little away from the thighs, palms facing up wards. Take deep breathe for 3 times with closed eyes.
5. With the support of the palms lift the chest and place the head in such a way that the centre of the head touches the ground / head stand posture.
6. After gaining proper balance remove the hands and keep it by the sides of the body and repeat the head stand posture for 5 times.
7. Come to the normal position and relax with 3 deep breathings.
B. Yogic Solution:
* Uttanasana -Intense Stretch Posture
* Simhasana – Lion Posture
* Paschimotanasana – Posterior Stretching Posture
* Yoga Mudra -Symbol of Union
* Matsyasana – Fish Posture
* Bhujangasana – Serpent Posture
* Shalabhasana – Locust Posture
* Dhanurasana – Bow Posture
* Kurmasana – Tortoise Posture
* Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Posture
a. Uttanasana – Intense Stretch Posture
1. Tadasana [Mountain Pose] /Sthiti for handing posture: Stand erect with feet together, hands by the sides of the body along the thighs.
2. Exhale, without bending the knee bend forward and place the palms on the floor by the side of the feet, behind the feet.
3. Move the hips a little forward so as to bring the legs right angle to the floor with the head up and stretched spine posture normal breathing.
4. 3 normal breathing with rhythmic up and down movement of the head.
5. Come back to the normal position and repeat the same.
b. Simhasana – Lion Posture
1. Sthiti for the sitting Posture: Sit on the floor with straight legs, heels together, palms pressing on the ground by the side of the hips with the erect spine.
2. Slowly bend the right leg and keep the heel tight under the buttock and repeat the same on the left side.
3. Keep the thighs close together, spine erect and rest the palms near the knee joints respectively.
4. Open the jaws wide and stretch the tongue out towards the chin as far as possible.
5. Gaze at the centre of the eyebrows or at the tip of the nose and maintain the position for min 30 seconds while breathing through the mouth.
6. Come back to the normal position and 3 normal breathing.
7. Repeat the same procedure for 3 times.
c. Paschimotanasana – Posterior Stretching Posture
1. Sthiti for the sitting posture.
2. Raise both arms above the head touching the ears, palms facing forward while inhaling.
3. Exhale slowly and bend the chest/trunk forward.
4. Try to hold the toes with both hands, forehead touching the knees without bending it.
5. Normal breathing for few seconds.
6. Come to Sthiti in reverse manner.
d. Yogamudra – Symbol of Union
1. Sthiti for the sitting Posture: Sit on the floor with straight legs, heels together, palms pressing on the ground by the side of the hips with the erect spine.
2 .Slowly bend the legs one by one at the knees to attain cross-legged posture.
3. Inhale and clasp your hands together behind the lower back, keeping the elbows bent.
4. Exhale, slowly bend forward and touch the forehead to the ground.
5. Come back to the normal position and 3 normal breathing.
6. Repeat the same for 3 times.
e. Matsyasana – Fish Posture
1. Sthiti for the sitting Posture: Sit on the floor with straight legs, heels together, palms pressing on the ground by the side of the hips with the erect spine
2. Bend the right leg at the knee joint, hold the right foot with the hands and place at the groin or root of the left thigh. In the same way, place the left foot on the right groin with turned up soles.
3. Let the heels of the legs be in contact with the abdomen.
4. Bend backwards with the support of the elbows and rest the head on the ground.
5. Place the palms above the shoulders on either side of the head, fingers facing towards the shoulders.
6. With the support of the palms lift the chest and place the head in such a way that the centre of the head touches the ground.
7. After gaining proper balance remove the hands and catch hold of the bigger toes of the respective side.
8. Maintain the posture for few seconds and take normal breathing for 3 times.
9. Comeback to the original position and repeat the same with the opposite side.
f. Bhujangasana -Serpent Posture
1. Sthiti for the Prone Position: Lie flat on the floor face downwards, legs together, chin touching the ground, hands by the sides of the body and soles facing up.
2. Place the palms by the sides of the chest, hands bent at the elbows.
3. While inhaling raise the head and then the upper part of the chest slowly till the navel portion. Keep the part below navel straight touching the ground.
4. Bend the spine backwards very slowly holding the head high.
5. Maintain the posture for few seconds.
6. Slowly exhale while coming back to the original position or Sthiti.
g. Shalabhasana – Locust Posture
1. Sthiti for the Prone Position: Lie flat on the floor face downwards, legs together, chin touching the ground, hands by the sides of the body and soles facing up.
2. Place the fist under the thighs.
3. Raise the legs up together from the waist without bending the knees while inhaling.
4. Maintain the posture for sometime.
5. Slowly come back to the normal position while exhaling.
h. Dhanurasana – Bow Posture
1. Sthiti for the Prone Posture: Lie flat on the floor face downwards, legs together, chin touching the ground, hands by the sides of the body and soles facing up.
2. Fold the legs slowly by bending knees.
3. Breath slowly in normal way while holding the feet by hands.
4. Arch the back to assume the shape of bow, elbows unbent and looking up while inhaling.
5. Maintain the posture for sometime.
6. Slowly come back to the normal position while exhaling.
7. 3 normal breathing and repeat the procedure for 5 times.
i. Kurmasana – Tortoise Posture
1. Sthiti for the sitting Posture: Sit on the floor with straight legs, heels together, palms pressing on the ground by the side of the hips with the erect spine.
2. Spread the legs out as wide as comfortable.
3. Bend both the knees and lift them up by drawing the feet towards the trunk.
4. Slide the arms under the legs and to bring the arms behind your back with the palms facing down.
5. Straighten the legs slowly, while pulling the shoulders down to the floor. Bring the chin or forehead to the floor.
6. 5 normal breathing.
7. Come back to the normal position and repeat the same for 3 times.
j. Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Posture
1. Sthiti for the Supine Posture- Lie down on your back touching the ground and stretching the arms above the head.
2. Raise the legs together slowly till it makes an angle about 45 degree, then 90 degree to the ground while inhaling.
3. With the support of the arms and the elbows slowly raise the buttocks and the trunk without lifting the head, chin touching the notch of the neck.
4. Maintain the posture for sometime.
5. Slowly come back to the normal position while exhaling.
C. Pranayama:
* Anuloma Viloma Pranayama – Alternate Breathing
* Nadi Shudhi Pranayama – Purification of Nerves through Breathing
* Ujjayi Pranayama – Breathing Exercise with fully Expanded
* Bhastrika Pranayama – Bellows Breathing
* Sitkari Pranayama – Breathing Exercise with Folded Tongue
* Shitali Pranayama – Breathing Exercise with Beak-Tongue
a. Anuloma Viloma Pranayama – Alternate Breathing
1. Sit erect in Padmasana – Lotus Posture or any other meditative posture. Complete exhalation.
2. Inhale through both the nostrils slowly and steadily.
3. Exhale slowly and continuously without making sound.
4. Have inhalation and exhalation for the same duration i.e.30 seconds each without holding the breath.
5. Repeat it for 15 times with the mental recitation of “AUM”.
b. Nadi Shudhi Pranayama – Purification of Nerves
1. Sit erect in Padmasana – Lotus Posture or any other meditative posture. Complete exhalation.
2. Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and inhale slowly and deeply for a longer duration.
3. Release the right nostril and close the left with the little and ring fingers of the right hand and breathe out through the right nostril.
4. Same procedure has to be repeated by breathing in through the right nostril and out through the left to complete one cycle of Nadi Shudhi Pranayama.
5. One can perform it for minimum 9 times.
c. Ujjayi Pranayama – Breathing Exercise with fully Expanded Lungs.
1. Sit erect in Padmasana – Lotus Posture or any other meditative posture. Complete exhalation from both the nostrils.
2. Take a slow, deep steady breath through both nostrils. The passage of the incoming air should be felt at the upper palate and a sibilant sound [ sa] is produced in the throat.
3. Fill the lungs fully and hold the breath for few seconds.
4. Exhale slowly, deeply and steadily until the lungs are completely empty.
5. Relax in Shavasana.
d. Bhastrika Pranayama – Bellows Breathing
1. Sit erect in Padmasana – Lotus Posture or any other meditative posture. Complete exhalation from both the nostrils.
2. Inhale fast as much air as possible and exhale quickly with force without holding the breath. i.e. breathe in and out in quick succession.
3. Relax a while breathing normally and again start breathing in and out in quick succession..
4. Repeat the same for 5 to 10 times.
e. Sitkari Pranayama – Breathing Exercise with Folded Tongue
1. Sit erect in Padmasana – Lotus Posture or any other meditative posture. Complete exhalation from both the nostrils.
2. Roll the tongue backwards in such a way that its tip touches the hard palate with narrow opening on either side.
3. Now suck the air in through the side openings of the tongue making a hissing sound. Then retain the breath as long as possible.
4. Ultimately exhale the breath through both the nostrils slowly.
5. Normal Breathing.
6. Repeat the same.
f. Shitali Pranayama – Breathing Exercise with Beak-Tongue
1. Sit erect in Padmasana – Lotus Posture or any other meditative posture. Complete exhalation from both the nostrils.
2. Protrude the tongue partially with curled up edges to form a long narrow tube resembling the beak of the bird.
3. Now suck the air in through the opening of the curled tongue making a hissing sound [ssssssi]. Then retain the breath as long as possible.
4. Ultimately exhale the breath through both the nostrils slowly.
5. Normal Breathing.
6. Repeat the same.
D. Healing Chant:
* Chant Related to Ajna Chakra
* Chant Related to Vissudha Chakra [ 5th Chakra from Below]
1. Sit erect in Padmasana – Lotus Posture or any other meditative posture. Complete exhalation from both the nostrils.
2. Visualize the symbol i.e. lotus with 2 indigo coloured petals with the Sun at the center of the right petal and Moon at the center of left petal. In the middle, light grey coloured Pillar.
3. Take deep slow breath for 5 times with full concentration on it.
4. Now concentrate on the middle of the eye brows [ 3rd eye position] where the 6th chakra is located with the continuation of slow, steady and deep breath.
5. Start chanting healing Beeja Mantra ” OM” and repeat it for 10 times initially.
6. Cup shaped palms are placed on the eyes after making it warm by rubbing. Repeat it for 5 times…
7. Relax in Shavasana.
a. Chant related to Vissudha Chakra [5th Chakra from below]
1. Tadasana [Standing Mountain Pose] / Sthiti for standing posture: Stand erect near the wall with feet together, hands by the sides of the body along the thighs.
2. Place the palms 1/2 metre apart on the wall and legs together but a metre away from the wall.
3. While inhaling move the stomach part towards the wall and head flexing backwards to attain concavity of the back.
4. While exhaling head is pulled inwards and whole spine attaining convexity.
5. Repeat the procedure for 5 times.
6. Sit erect in Padmasana – Lotus Posture or any other meditative posture. Complete exhalation from both the nostrils.
7. Visualize the symbol i.e. lotus with 16 dark blue coloured petals with an empty space at the center indicated with the help of sky blue colour.
8. Take deep slow breath for 5 times with full concentration on it.
9. Now concentrate on the throat area where the 5th chakra is located with the continuation of slow, steady and deep breath.
10. Start chanting healing Beeja Mantra ” HAM” and repeat it for 10 times initially.
11. Lie down on your back, with legs together and arms along the body. Relax with deep breath for few seconds. Relax in Shavasana
E. Cure at Home:
(i) External Remedies:
* To get rid of blocked nose inhale fumes coming from ignited dry Turmeric dipped in sesame / gingilly oil.
* Steam inhalation by adding some essential oils such as eucalyptus, lemon, lavender; peppermint or any vapour rub to the boiling water.
* Dilute 3 teaspoon of tamarind in a glass of water. Add half a teaspoon of pepper powder and a teaspoon of ghee. Inhale the vapours of this steaming mixture once a day to clear the nasal blockage.
* Turmeric face pack after warming it slightly to liquefy the mucus.
* A bath with a few drops of cinnamon in the bath water, it is said that this can relieve congestion, and generally make you feel better.
(ii) Internal Remedies:
* Add 1 teaspoon of roasted turmeric powder to a glass of boiled milk. Consumed hot twice daily
* Before going to bed chew few peppercorns and 1 teaspoon Sugar Candy.
* Tea prepared out of 1teaspoon fenugreek seeds,1/2 a teaspoon black pepper and 1 tea spoon of ginger juice boiled with a cup of water and reduced to half.
* Basil Tea- Add 2 cloves, 2 green cardamoms,1/2 a teaspoon of dried ginger powder and 6 basil leaves with a portion of stem to boiling water. Filter and drink it hot trice daily.
* To a cup of water. add some crushed basil leaves, crushed ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper. Boil till it reduces to half a cup. Strain and add jaggery Drink this mixture twice a day.
* 2 teaspoon of Basil juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey taken twice daily.
* Juice of whole lemon mixed with equal quantity of warm water along with 1 teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach twice daily.
* Add some limejuice, crushed ginger and rock salt and black pepper to warm water take it twice daily..
* Boil Lemon rind in a cup of water for 15 minutes. Strain and add the juice of the squeezed lemon and honey. Consume twice.
* Betel leaves juice 2 or 3 teaspoon mixed with equal quantity of honey taken sip wise.
* Take Garlic juice with onion juice twice daily.
F. Diet:
* Take plenty of fluids like water and fresh fruit juice to flush the toxins. Avoid drinks such as tea and coffee.
* Vitamin C rich fruits such as grape fruit, orange, sweet lime, strawberries, lemon etc. are very effective in treating cold.
* Finely chopped garlic can be used raw into salad dressings, vegetable soups, stews preparations.
* Add more mushrooms to increase the immunity of the body.
* Foods should be light and easily digestible like vegetable soups, broths, salads and lightly cooked fish or chicken. Chicken soup made of chicken broth, typically with chunks of chicken, potatoes, carrots, green peas, onions and other vegetables is really benificial.
* Spicy foods containing horseradish, hot pepper sauce, hot mustard or curry, green chilly etc will help to relieve the congestion and nasal blockage.
* Twice in a week chicken, beef liver, crab, pork, lamb, mussels, shrimp can be added to the diet as a preventive measure, to increase the immunity.
* Avoid milk and other dairy products.
* Avoiding sweet is a good idea when you have cold as well as a preventive measure during the cold season.
* Avoid alcoholic drinks to prevent extra work on liver to detoxify the body during illness.
* Avoid high-fat, indigestible foods such as cheese, red meat and pastries.
* Avoid cold beverages, aerated drinks, ice cream etc.
G. Life Style Modification:
* Eat a balanced diet. Take supplements containing Vitamin-A, B and C. minerals such as zinc and copper. Can take baked beans, lentil, kidney beans, rice, and dried prunes to fulfil the requirement. But person with kidney stone, its better to avoid food source rich in Vitamine-C.
* Eat according to your appetite.
* Drink lots of hot fluids and fresh food in hot state to prevent the replication of virus.
* Make a habit of adding more garlic, ginger, turmeric in daily cooking.
* Person suffering from cold should always use face tissue while sneezing or coughing. Proper destruction is also necessary.
* It’s better to avoid close, prolonged exposure to persons who have cold or to cold atmosphere.
* Cleaning the surrounding with Virus-killing disinfectant might help to prevent spread of infection.
* Get enough rest and relax yourself, as it helps to replenish your body to fight against the bacteria/ Virus
* Avoid smoking as it triggers the throat irritation and interfere the defence mechanism of the body.
* Try to stay away from a dusty environment as much as possible.
Source: Dr. Devaki