Guggulu (latin. Commiphora Mukul) belongs to the Myrrh species which is mainly indigenous of India. The healing virtue of this plant is known in Ayurvedic medicine since thousand of years.
One of the major or widely spread ailments of our times are aches and pains in knee, feet, fingers or hips. Almost every fifth school going child complains of occasional jointaches and approximately 5% women over 55 years suffer under different kinds of inflammation in various joints. Also known as Polyarthritis. It is quite a well known fact that almost every second person after 35 suffers from Arthritis or joint deterioration.
Modern research has confirmed the remidical effect of Guggulu. One knows today that Guggulu in a denser concentration and unique combination contains Sterone and Terpene which curbs joint inflammation.
(cf. Ayurveda Tip: Lower your cholesterol level with Ayurveda)
Due to the two natural elements mentioned above, Guggulu in its pure form (available as Capsule in Pharmacy/chemists) works and helps to a certain extent in a forked movement. (has a binary effect). Once as a reduction of acidic/amphophilic products in the metabolic system. Once as a reduction of inflammation. The positive thing is that both aspects are without any side effects because the bitter substance contained in Guggulu has an additional feature. This substance activates the digestive tract hence promoting purification in a natural form. The detoxicating effect of Guggulu on the body is immense since it enhances the healing process of ailments like arthrosis, rheumatic pains, and arthritis.
The effectivity of Guggulu is also proved through a new research/study undergone by the Southern California University (USA).This study observed 30 women and 30 men who suffered from painful knee arthritis since years and the scientists supervised that the patients took Guggulu -capsules. Already after a month of treatment there was clear improvement amongst the patients suffering from knee arthritis; all 60 patients could move their knee far better than before. Likewise the quality of pain improved in that there was a clear reduction of pain by some patients and with other patients the pain disappeared completely.
Translated by Paramita Lahiri
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