Constipation is a condition in which hard, dry, irregular stool that is expelled out with difficulty or having fewer than three evacuations per week.
A. Stretch Up:
1. Tadasana [Mountain Pose] /Sthiti for standing posture: Stand erect with feet together, hands by the sides of the body along the thighs.
2. Exhale, raise the hands up while flexing the knees, then bend forward and place the palms on the floor in front of the feet, fingers facing away from the body.
3. Normal deep breathing for 3 times.
4. Bring the legs straight, right angle to the floor with the head up and attain stretched spine posture with 3 deep normal breathing.
5. Inhale, Raise the hands up while stretching the body up from the tailbone.
6. Exhale and come back to the normal position and repeat the same.
B. Yogic Solution:
* Uttanasana – Intense Stretch Posture
* Vajrasana – Diamond / Ankle Posture
* Paschimothanasana – Posterior Stretching
* Dhanurasana – Bow Posture
* Matsyasana – Fish Posture
* Yoga Mudra – Symbol of Union
* Jathara Parivartanasana – Stomach Turn Posture
* Pavana Muktasana – Wind Blow Posture
a. Uttanasana – Intense Stretch Posture
1. Tadasana [Mountain Pose] /Sthiti for handing posture: Stand erect with feet together, hands by the sides of the body along the thighs.
2. Exhale, without bending the knee bend forward and place the palms on the floor by the side of the feet, behind the feet.
3. Move the hips a little forward so as to bring the legs right angle to the floor with the head up and stretched spine posture normal breathing.
4. 3 normal breathing with rhythmic up and down movement of the head.
5. Come back to the normal position and repeat the same
b. Vajrasana- Diamond / Ankle Posture
1. Sthiti for the sitting Posture: Sit on the floor with straight legs, heels together, palms pressing on the ground by the side of the hips with the erect spine.
2. Slowly bend the right leg and keep the heel tight under the buttock and repeat the same on the left side.
3. Keep the thighs close together, spine erect and rest the palms near the knee joints respectively.
4. Normal breathing for 5 times
5. Come back to the normal position and repeat the same for 5 times.
c. Paschimotanasana – Posterior Stretching Posture
1. Sthiti for the sitting posture.
2. Raise both arms above the head touching the ears, palms facing forward while inhaling.
3. Exhale slowly and bend the chest/trunk forward.
4. Try to hold the toes with both hands, forehead touching the knees without bending it.
5. Normal breathing for few seconds.
6. Come to Sthiti in reverse manner.
d. Dhanurasana – Bow Posture
1. Sthiti for the Prone Posture: Lie flat on the floor face downwards, legs together, chin touching the ground, hands by the sides of the body and soles facing up.
2. Fold the legs slowly by bending knees.
3. Breath slowly in normal way while holding the feet by hands.
4. Arch the back to assume the shape of bow, elbows unbent and looking up while inhaling.
5. Maintain the posture for sometime.
6. Slowly come back to the normal position while exhaling.
7. 3 normal breathing and repeat the procedure for 5 times.
e. Matsyasana – Fish Posture
1. Sthiti for the sitting Posture: Sit on the floor with straight legs, heels together, palms pressing on the ground by the side of the hips with the erect spine
2. Bend the right leg at the knee joint, hold the right foot with the hands and place at the groin or root of the left thigh. In the same way, place the left foot on the right groin with turned up soles.
3. Let the heels of the legs be in contact with the abdomen.
4. Bend backwards with the support of the elbows and rest the head on the ground.
5. Place the palms above the shoulders on either side of the head, fingers facing towards the shoulders.
6. With the support of the palms lift the chest and place the head in such a way that the centre of the head touches the ground.
7. After gaining proper balance remove the hands and catch hold of the bigger toes of the respective side.
8. Maintain the posture for few seconds and take normal breathing for 3 times.
9. Comeback to the original position and repeat the same with the opposite side.
f. Yogamudra – Symbol of Union
1. Sthiti for the sitting Posture: Sit on the floor with straight legs, heels together, palms pressing on the ground by the side of the hips with the erect spine.
2 .Slowly bend the legs one by one at the knees to attain cross-legged posture.
3. Inhale and clasp your hands together behind the lower back, keeping the elbows bent.
4. Exhale, slowly bend forward and touch the forehead to the ground.
5. Come back to the normal position and 3 normal breathing.
6. Repeat the same for 3 times.
g. Jathara Parivartanasana – Stomach Turn Posture
1. Lie flat on the back, hands keeping little away from the thighs, palms facing upwards and heels together.
1. Close the eyes. Take deep breath for 5 times initially followed by slow, fine breath without any jerk.
2. Stretch out both the arms sideways till the shoulder level.
3. Exhale, raise both the legs together straight up to 90 degrees. 3 normal breathing.
4. Shift both the legs to right side without bending and stomach/ belly to the left and 3 normal breathing.
5. Repeat the same movement with the left side to complete the cycle.
6. Complete 3 cycles
h. Pavana Muktasana – Wind Blow Posture
1. Lie flat on the back, hands keeping by the sides of the thighs and heels together.
2. Inhale, stretch up both the arms above the head.
3. Raise and flex the right leg, place it in such a way that thigh touches the belly. At the same time while exhaling through the mouth move the trunk upwards, chin touching the knees, hands catching the lower extremity.
4. Remain for 10 seconds and come back to the original position.
5. Repeat the same movement with the left side to complete the cycle.
6. Complete 3 cycles
7. Perform it for 3 more times with both the legs together.
8. Come back to normal position and 3 normal breathing.
C. Pranayama:
Nadi Shudhi Pranayama -Purification of Nerves through Breathing
a. Nadi Shudhi Pranayama – Purification of Nerves
1. Sit erect in Padmasana – Lotus Posture or any other meditative posture. Complete exhalation.
2. Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and inhale slowly and deeply for a longer duration.
3. Release the right nostril and close the left with the little and ring fingers of the right hand and breathe out through the right nostril.
4. Same procedure has to be repeated by breathing in through the right nostril and out through the left to complete one cycle of Nadi Shudhi Pranayama.
5. One can perform it for minimum 9 times.
D. Healing Chant:
Position of Seven Chakras
Chant is related to Muladhara Chakra [1st Chakra from below].
Symbol of Muladhara Chakra
1. Sit erect in Padmasana – Lotus Posture or any other meditative posture. Complete exhalation from both the nostrils.
2. Visualize the symbol i.e. lotus with 2 red coloured petals with the golden snake, head pointing upwards spiralled around the black pillar at the center.
3. Take deep slow breath for 5 times with full concentration on it.
4. Now concentrate at the base of the spine where the 1st chakra is located with the continuation of slow, steady and deep breath.
5. Start chanting healing Beeja Mantra “LAM” and repeat it for 10 times initially.
6. Lie down on your back, with legs together and arms along the body. Relax with deep breath for few seconds.
7. Slowly rise the legs together up with flexed foot, toes facing towards the head.
8. Stretch the muscles of the legs, hips and release with inhalation and exhalation respectively.
9. Come back to normal position and relax in Shavasana.
E. Cure At Home:
* Consume minimum 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
* Glass of warm milk with 1 tsp of honey and half a lemon to be taken on an empty stomach in the morning
* Drink prepared out of dates soaked overnight in cold water, can be taken early in the morning on an empty stomach daily for few days.
* Half a cup of juice prepared out of Bale fruit daily on an empty stomach.
* Whole limejuice with half a spoon of common salt is dissolved in two large cups of lukewarm water and consumed early in the morning on an empty for an instant relief.
* Half a teaspoon of castor oil with half a teaspoon of honey early in the morning for few days.
* Chew a stick of Liquorice daily.
* Half a cup of orange juice with a tablespoon of Olive oil.
* One teaspoon of corn syrup with half a cup of water.
* An Apple a day with skin to be taken daily.
* Guava fruit with seeds to be taken daily.
* A cup of buttermilk well churned [butter free] and processed with a piece of crushed ginger and asafoetida taken daily.
* A cup of warm milk to be taken before going to bed.
* One spoon of Isabgol- husk powder mixed with a cup of warm water is to be consumed followed by another glass of water.
* A cup of Bottle Gourd juice with 1/4 spoon of salt to be taken daily.
* Baked potato with skin to be taken daily for few days.
* Take one tablespoon each of unprocessed wheat bran and wheat germ daily, as they are good sources of fibre and add bulk to your die
F. Diet:
* Include Vegetables like peas, beans and lentils. These can be fresh, frozen, tinned, cooked or raw.
* Vegetables can be added to stews, casseroles, curries, and soups or salad can be included in sandwiches.
* High fibre snack / meal can be prepared with baked beans on toast.
* Take carrot juice several times daily. This will help to regain proper digestion. This is good for children, too.
* Cereals such as Bran flakes, Porridge, Shredded wheat, Granary bread, rolls, chapattis or wholemeal scones etc. can be added.
* Fruits like banana, apple, apricot, berries, orange etc.
* Eliminate sugar and white flour from your diet. These may add to your digestion problems and be a source of constipation
G. Life Style Modification:
* Adding lots of water is always good in the diet for constipation sufferers. Drink sufficient fluids, 6 to 8 glasses of water each day to promote a healthy bowel.
* Gradually increase the amount of fibre in your diet. Try to include more fruits in your diet, tinned, fresh, stewed, pureed or dried.
* Try to increase your intake of vegetables.
* Eat more wholemeal / wholegrain [This is a grain that is unrefined. Things made with whole-wheat flour contain whole grain; Whole grains are great sources for dietary fibre.] Your body may initially have difficulty becoming accustomed to the extra fibre and you may experience gas or stomach distension. These problems will pass in a week or two. Start with a tablespoon of bran and increase the amount until you become regular.
* Limit your consumption of meat. Meat is difficult for the body to process. You don’t have to completely eliminate it, but limiting it is a good idea.
* Schedule a regular time for bowel movements. Choose a time when you won’t be rushed or interrupted. Many people find that the best time is shortly after a meal or first thing in the morning or after coffee.
* Relax, decrease stress, get plenty of rest, and exercise regularly.
Source: Dr. Devaki