Garlic cures in Ayurveda
Healing herbs in Ayurveda – Garlic Garlic is a very popular herb which is often used for its flavouring properties in food preparations and as a wonder drug to treat…
Healing herbs in Ayurveda – Garlic Garlic is a very popular herb which is often used for its flavouring properties in food preparations and as a wonder drug to treat…
jagatyevam anoushadham na kinchit vidyate dravyam vashaannaarthayagayoh’ “There is nothing in this universe, which is non-medicinal, which cannot be made use of for many purposes and by many modes.” This…
Amenorrhoea is the absence of periods. This is a normal occurrence in girls before puberty, during pregnancy, breast-feeding and following the menopause. A. Yogic Solution: * Padmasana – Lotus Posture…
Acidity refers to a set of symptoms caused by an imbalance in acid secreting mechanism, characterised by excessive belching with an unpleasant sour or bitter taste in the mouth; burning…
An elevation of the blood pressure due to the flow of blood with greater force than the normal through the blood vessels that supplies heart, generally defined as a systolic…
Constipation is a condition in which hard, dry, irregular stool that is expelled out with difficulty or having fewer than three evacuations per week. A. Stretch Up: 1. Tadasana [Mountain Pose] /Sthiti…
Everyone dreams of having a radiant clear skin. And you can make it a reality by following these 7 simple strategies. Follow a good balanced diet for inner wellbeing and…